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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

Special offer of products, tickets and purchase

 We offer employees the purchase of products from our own production:

Wine bottlesQuail eggs: for ordering please contact Ing. Vladimír Zmrhal, Ph.D.

Fish: for ordering please contact Eva Postulkova

Game: sale in Canteen-building X

Pastry: available usually in Canteen-building X and Buffet-building Q

Wine from the Vinné bistro DODNA

Christmas trees: in the Christmas time, you can buy a tree from the university woods


It is also possible to take advantage of discounts with our university partners as well as other special offers:

The Moravian Karst House of Nature: free entry for employees and students (identification by employee / student card)

Husa na provázku Theatre: tickets for selected performances for half the price (more information via Newsletter HR)

Datart : for employees VIP program

Alza benefit program: discount on selected products

Sale of cheeses and sausages: import of cheeses, other dairy products, sausages and delicatessen to the MENDELU campus in Brno-Černá pole (we will inform you about the sale days via the Newsletter HR)